Lucas Zanotto, the founder of the youth-oriented company YATATOY, creates his incredibly lively works as a designer, director, and animator.
Born in Italy, Zanotto has triumphantly sailed his visionary ship across Europe to where he works now in Helsinki. Viewers can notice his fascination for expression, with 3D animations bearing goggly eyes and manipulation of facial cues with an array of fun shapes. His art is sprightly, as he brings to life the beauty of simplicity in a visually captivating way.
Kinetics are quite instrumental to the life flowing throughout the elements that move about on screen. Reeling emotion with the minimalist approach is a laudable feat for Zanotto as he captures attention with gingerly chosen details. The stories he vivifies are full of an energy that is undeniably cutting edge, his art is the future. His quest for transposing his ideas into a manifestable creation is absolutely fruitful and commendable, as noted by his many awards and spotlight speaker opportunities. Zanotto has received the Apple Design Award and Best Promotional Animation at the Ottawa Animation Festival to name a couple.
In addition, the Italian artist has been a speaker at Pictoplasma and a couple of children-centered events such as the Montreuil Children’s Book Fair. The multilingual crafter has demonstrated a grasp in the articulate language of design ingenuity. His works translate wonderfully to commercial purposes as well, unlocking a whole new aspect to the product being commercialized for the general population. Lucas Zanotto is a promising force in the realm of design and artistic inclination.