SkyFill By Trinetix Creative Studio

In a stanza of dealing with globalization and corporate economies conquering the minds and habits of humankind, we look to ourselves as pieces and elements of a big system rotating at a given speed of progress.

Although, is that what we wanted? Are we finding ourselves comfortable at dealing with what’s given, left, or predefined? We are at Trinetix Creative Studio, a bunch of youngsters who came to work for globally known clients to help them deliver better goods and services to clients and people all around the world. And we have seen how our visual stories transformed the clumsiness with which businesses talk into beautiful conveyed infographics and videos. 

SkyFill By Trinetix Creative Studio

For a while, we were looking into matters of corporate businesses and breeding our own story, the one which could convey a plot with the simple beauty of idea and imagery of what we really are – as people, as a generation, and as a team – that we care from where we originate about the environment, that we are a part of the global ecosystem and should also care about reductions in amounts of waste and levels of air polluting, that we keep our heritage of Chernobyl in the backs of our minds and we don’t wish to have any other nation bear that burden. 

“That is how we brought that idea of a short into life.” – Mark Hanhalo, an art director, says and continues: “it hasn’t taken much time to brainstorm it – rather we were looking into the aspects of delivering a clear story which would easily be understood and followed by any viewer who sees it.” As it most times goes with history – most things respected by the public need time to get matured and polished. For Creative Studio it has taken a long spree of 9 months and a team of 15+ ppl of various artists and designers to elaborate the final result, which you now see. 

SkyFill By Trinetix Creative Studio

Does that short influence any change in day-to-day at the moment? – It has caused a move internally at Trinetix to reduce the waste we produced prior to pandemic office times. The HR team has brought a change to the operationalization of offices and it’s only in awaiting to be announced with re-opening of the offices. So true as it takes decades to breed good wine this same applies to any area of creativity and business as well. Creative Studio at Trinetix is only 3 years old and we look to move on with having SkyFill as our first milestone.  

What’s left to an individual facing that disparity of economical and ecological conditions in one’s own homeland? What can one do to change these conditions of living and preserve future generations from the extinction of parks, Greenlands, and sunlight? When guys from Trinetix were asked about that – they shared their hope to come back to offices and help HR change the rules of the game in terms of reducing the amount of waste caused by the use of non-reusable appliances. And let this initiative inspire you all as well – by doing a little step forward – you change others and the environment around you. 

SkyFill By Trinetix Creative Studio
SkyFill By Trinetix Creative Studio
SkyFill By Trinetix Creative Studio



Images with courtesy of Trinetix Creative Studio

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