Danni Huang creates a vibrant alien underwater world for Fifi Zhang’s music video

Danni Huang creates a vibrant alien underwater world for Fifi Zhang's music video

“Nobody” is a music video collaborated by CGI artist Danni Huang and filmmaker Xiao Han for musician Fifi Zhang, produced by Kennie Zhou.

“Nobody” is a song written and produced by Brooklyn based musician/singer Fifi Zhang, and it just launched in March, 2023. It’s a song about the ultimate city girl loneliness, in which all the struggles, the sweet and bitter that you can only face and share with yourself. 

CGI artist Danni Huang created an underwater world with her imaginary alien sea creature friends to join Fifi Zhang’s sad lonely girl’s world. There are 4 different creatures in the music video, but Danni’s alien sea creatures world keeps growing and growing.

Danni Huang creates a vibrant alien underwater world for Fifi Zhang's music video
Danni Huang creates a vibrant alien underwater world for Fifi Zhang's music video

Danni’s CGI works always focus on complex light refraction on translucent texturing in a relatively dark environment, it’s not an exception for “Nobody”. She chose to have all the creatures floating and swimming in a black void, while still having vibrant colors and shiny textures. She also loves to create stories and emotional connection for her CGI creatures.

In the world of “Nobody”, it’s the end of the world where every living thing has disappeared except for Fifi and her alien friends. After absorbing radiation and digital wastes for years, the sea creatures became immortal and evolved into various forms.

Some have developed new appendages and organs, while others have grown to enormous sizes with glowing bones that are spreading radiation. They transformed loudly in order to survive the endless loneliness and emptiness. 

Danni Huang creates an alien underwater world for Fifi Zhang's music video
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To echo the CGI world, Fifi styled herself with a metallic dress from designer Zehua Wu and a pink silicone mermaid dress from designer Una Li. The music video is part live-action and part CGI, the live-action is directed by filmmaker Xiao Han, shot by Director of Photography Eileen Yoon.

Danni, Fifi, Xiao and Kennie are a group of Asian creatives who work and base in New York, they work together on this music video project. 

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3D artist + Art Director – Danni Huang

Musician – Fifi Zhang

Director – Xiao Han

Producer – Kennie Zhou 

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