Eliseo H. Zubiri Ties Together Digital And Reality Into Stunning Scenes

Eliseo H. Zubiri Ties Together Digital And Reality Into Stunning Scenes

Eliseo H. Zubiri is a visual artist based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, using a mixture of CGI and photography in his art. Zubiri inspires with visuals of many hyperrealistic scenes of nature with different items as the point of focus. The colors in his images vary between bright and beautiful to dark and reflective. Within Zubiri’s amazing talent, it becomes hard to tell when reality ends and digital art begins. In his work, the two go hand in hand as a seamless pair. 

While one image entitled “Golden lights” may focus on a home that is on fire, another piece entitled “BLUE MAGIC” shows one person standing in the middle of a deserted and dusty city. These images can evoke a variety of feelings in the person that is viewing it. These feelings may vary from hope to a different view of existential placement. 

Zubiri’s scenes also frequently use a cloud as the point of focus. The cloud can be seen above a particular landscape of nature, such as snow or desert. These images can be seen in his pieces “Blue land dream” and “Red Dune”. The cloud of smoke is seen sitting inside of a room in between two couches in his piece “Breathe Deeply”, and seen again in “Lucid Dream”, showing the cloud rolling out of a door. The presence of the cloud can be interpreted in a variety of ways by the person viewing it. 

Eliseo H. Zubiri Ties Together Digital And Reality Into Stunning Scenes
Eliseo H. Zubiri Ties Together Digital And Reality Into Stunning Scenes
Eliseo H. Zubiri Ties Together Digital And Reality Into Stunning Scenes
Eliseo H. Zubiri Ties Together Digital And Reality Into Stunning Scenes


All images with courtesy of Eliseo H. Zubiri

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