The Bizarre, Fascinating And Larger Than Life Works Of Emre Onol

Judging by Emre Onol’s illustrations and 3D animations, a preoccupation with glinting turgid soft tissues, and the fine art of reproducing real-world colorations in perfectly lit environments, are two of his favorite focuses.

Large hairless monkey faces can be found squeezed between glittering window decked architecture, or, larger than life surrealistically placed icons or floating people, can be seen interacting with typical noon-day-sun lit environments: and all of this seems totally normal in the wild realms of Emre Onol’s imaginative remakes of life through his digital techniques.

Onol is both a Director and Concept Designer hailing from Istanbul, and what I find to be his special talent is how perfectly aligned his renders are with what surrounds them. To be able to make seamless forms conjured from 1’s and 0’s mesh with real-world dimensionality, takes a breadth of taste and experience that Onol not only flaunts but openly finds humour in purposely distorting.


For more information, visit the Emre Onol Instagram

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