Ford Designs A Smart Bed To Improve The Rest Of The Couples

Designer: Ford

Project Name: Lane-Keeping Bed

Project Information: In the Lane-Keeping Bed, Ford put its technology applied on transport to improve the rest of the couples. To keep each person on their side of the bed, this masterpiece of industrial design uses a group of sensitive and other mobile devices. The Lane-Keeping Bed is part of the Ford Interventions, where the company applies its research to solve everyday problems. The Lane-Keeping Technology is used to keep the car on its lane.

The bed uses one of Ford’s great historical achievements, a conveyor belt. The mechanism is activated to keep each member of the couple on the right side, with a fair amount of space for each one. The basic concept is a winch with motion control, which triggers a revolving mattress. A group of pressure sensors lead the movements that must be done to adjust the positions of the sleepers. At the exterior, the Lane-Keeping Bed has straight lines that define geometric figures, to achieve the visual of a vanguard furniture.

Ford Designs A Smart Bed

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