Discovering the Artistic Philosophy Behind Gozzilah’s Outdoor Fits

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We are so pleased to be speaking with Gozzilah, an interview diving into the mind behind the outdoor fits. The maximalist, head-to-toe outfits are extremely artful and brimming with beautiful form. Can you tell us the artistic philosophy behind shrouding the human form with these prolific layers? What is your personal significance to dressing up to the point that it sort of veils what the audience would identify as a person wearing the clothes? 

Hi guys and thank you for the opportunity to be showcased here! Gozzilah is an alien spaceship who is traveling through the great unknown of the universe. Hop on board or just be a spectator of it’s travels it’s up to you! 

It is so satisfying to gaze into the various textures and colors that compose each image we see of the attire. Talk to us about how you go about piecing each ensemble together?

The creative process which I apply to each of my visuals are 100% empirical, in the sense that if a garment arouses my interest then for a couple of days I reflect on how to create a complete look with this special piece as the center piece of my visual narrative. But it can come from my past experiences in life (childhood memories, teenager year, sci-fi movies, ads, Egyptian masks, etc.) and I cross reference these memories and cultural inspirations with my life as a climber, hiker, runner, etc.

Discovering the Artistic Philosophy Behind Gozzilah's Outdoor Fits
Discovering the Artistic Philosophy Behind Gozzilah's Outdoor Fits

The way the clothes end up wearing the person is a poetic kind of vision for us. Is there any sort of symbolism or narrative you are purposefully injecting in the getups?

Yes, the narrative aspect is extremely important in my visuals because they are an invitation for the viewer to travel with me into the unknown summits populated by the gods and creatures. Some may feel a special connection, some may not, everyone has their own beliefs.

What is your reaction to people asking if your photos are renders? How does this inform your process when you’re shooting the pictures?

I’ve been in 2D & 3D graphic design for the past 20 years so yes a certain aesthetic transpires from my pictures. But to be honest technique is the visual vector for the story telling and serves only that purpose! But yes, there will be some full CGI iterations of Gozzilah in the near future, and can’t wait to show it to the world.

Discovering the Artistic Philosophy Behind Gozzilah's Outdoor Fits
Discovering the Artistic Philosophy Behind Gozzilah's Outdoor Fits

Outdoor gear never looked so exquisite. Can you tell us how you made the choice to work with outdoor wear? What sort of inspirations are you drawing from?

Outdoor is more a way of life than just a fashion trend! We are people who thrive from living outside. My expertise on these products comes from being an active rock climber, trailer, biker and even as a graffiti artist combined with my love for fashion, streetwear etc. Connecting the dots between these with graphic design and photography was the most challenging that took time and dedication.

With such remarkable scenes, it isn’t hard to imagine all the ways the design can be branched out. What directions are you considering experimenting in? Tell us about any prospects you have on the way.

Even thought this project can be perceived as brand oriented, my inspiration comes from my own exploration and thoughts. Gozilah is authentic, raw, free, creative and I intend for it to always be that way in the future. Of course I would love to collaborate with brands more closely one day, because just like a crate digger in music I love to explore past trends and bring them back to life.

I have several other side projects, like nft, outwear garments, resin figurines and all of these new projects rein the process of getting to be shown to the world, so stay tuned!

Discovering the Artistic Philosophy Behind Gozzilah's Outdoor Fits
Discovering the Artistic Philosophy Behind Gozzilah's Outdoor Fits

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