Hannah Bigeleisen Designs Experimental Lighting And Furniture

Hannah Bigeleisen Visual Atelier 8 Stack Lamp 2

Hannah Bigeleisen’s work is influenced by theories of visual perception and pattern repetition, drawing heavily from her background as an artist.

Through her unconventional use of materials and finishes, she seeks to create a dialogue between forms, color, and texture. Stack Lamp was inspired by the fundamental forms in the building; a pyramid, a sphere and a cube, which plays with the idea of balance in form, material, and structure. Pattern, texture, and color play a large role in the optics of the piece, encouraging a different understanding of solid forms and light within an interior space.

Hannah Bigeleisen Designs Experimental Lighting And Furniture

Each Stack Lamp is hand-made in Bigeleisen’s studio in Brooklyn, NY. The lamp body is built with a traditional wood frame that is then covered in plaster cloth. Bigeleisen hand sculpts the forms with papier-mache that is then lacquered, hand-painted, and finished to create its unique speckle pattern. All materials are archival and finished to create an heirloom-quality piece. She invites custom collaborations, color combinations, and wild ideas.

Hannah Bigeleisen Designs Experimental Lighting And Furniture
Hannah Bigeleisen Designs Experimental Lighting And Furniture


Photography by Daniel Cochran with courtesy of Hannah Bigeleisen




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