Heatherwick Studio’s Visionary Redesign of Hanwha Galleria in Seoul

Heatherwick Studio’s Vision for Hanwha Galleria’s Transformation in Seoul
Render by Devisual 

Heatherwick Studio Transforms Seoul’s Hanwha Galleria

In the bustling heart of Seoul, where the vibrant energy of Gangnam converges with the tranquil flow of the Han River, an iconic structure is about to undergo a transformation that will redefine the very essence of luxury retail spaces. The Hanwha Galleria, a celebrated landmark in the Apgujeong-dong neighborhood, is set to be reimagined by the renowned Heatherwick Studio. The studio’s innovative design, selected in a highly competitive process, promises to challenge traditional concepts of a shopping center, turning the Galleria into a dynamic public space that resonates with the cultural aspirations of a modern Seoul.

A Vision Beyond Retail

The Hanwha Galleria has long stood as a symbol of opulence and high fashion, catering to Seoul’s elite with its array of luxury brands. However, the new design by Heatherwick Studio aims to transcend the conventional boundaries of a department store, creating a space that is as much about gathering and community as it is about shopping. This bold vision aligns with South Korea’s growing influence as a global cultural hub, where the lines between commerce, art, and public life are increasingly blurred.

Neil Hubbard, partner and group leader at Heatherwick Studio, encapsulates this vision, stating, “Traditionally, department stores are quite inward-facing, they feel closed off to the surrounding streets. But here we have an important intersection in Apgujeong with two buildings, east and west, that felt like an opportunity to bring people together.” This philosophy of openness and inclusion is at the heart of the Galleria’s redesign, which seeks to integrate the shopping experience with the city’s vibrant street life.

Heatherwick Studio’s Vision for Hanwha Galleria’s Transformation in Seoul
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Architecture as a Gateway

The reimagined Galleria will consist of two symmetrical twin buildings, distinct yet harmonious in their design. Connected by an underground subway, these structures will serve as a gateway, both physically and symbolically, between the residential and commercial districts of Gangnam. The buildings’ rippled hourglass silhouettes will create a striking visual presence, with their narrow necks forming garden-like public spaces that invite visitors to pause and enjoy their surroundings.

At ground level, the architecture frames breathtaking views of the Han River, encouraging a dialogue between the urban environment and the natural landscape. As visitors ascend from the subway, they will be greeted by light-filled atria that open onto landscaped plazas, offering a serene counterpoint to the city’s fast pace. The journey continues through mid-level gardens and terraces, where cafes, restaurants, and shops are nestled among lush greenery. The rooftops, transformed into verdant oases, will provide panoramic views of the city and the river, reinforcing the connection between Seoulites and their urban environment.

Heatherwick Studio’s Vision for Hanwha Galleria’s Transformation in Seoul
Render by Devisual 

A Canvas for Culture

Beyond its architectural innovation, the Galleria’s redesign is also a testament to sustainable and cultural considerations. The buildings will feature a double-layered skin, enhancing their energy efficiency while serving as a canvas for art exhibitions and cultural events. The crystalline glass facade, with its shimmering quality, will soften the structures’ imposing forms during the day and come alive at night with vibrant projections, turning the Galleria into a beacon of light and creativity in the Seoul skyline.

This commitment to sustainability and culture reflects the collaborative spirit of the project, which involves close cooperation with local authorities and Haeahn Architecture. Together, they will refine the design and bring this ambitious vision to life, ensuring that the new Hanwha Galleria is not just a shopping destination but a cultural landmark that embodies the spirit of contemporary Seoul.

Heatherwick Studio’s Vision for Hanwha Galleria’s Transformation in Seoul
Render by Devisual 

A New Chapter for Seoul

The selection of Heatherwick Studio for this prestigious project is not only a recognition of their innovative approach but also a sign of Seoul’s evolving architectural landscape. The project coincides with the appointment of Thomas Heatherwick, the studio’s founder, as the General Director of the 2025 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, further cementing the studio’s influence on the city’s future.

As Seoul continues to assert its role as a global cultural powerhouse, the transformation of the Hanwha Galleria represents a significant step towards a more integrated, human-centered urban environment. In a city where tradition and modernity coexist in dynamic tension, the new Galleria will stand as a testament to the power of design to unite, inspire, and elevate the everyday experiences of its citizens.

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