Interview With Igor


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Objavu dijeli igor (@igor.m)

Hi Igor, it’s a pleasure for us to take a peek into the creative process behind your work. As a digital artist, who catches dispersion of forms and matter, could you tell us which dimension are you exploring beyond reality? Are you attracted by the Universe’s frequencies and its movement?

I am currently exploring space, in particular galaxies. I read books and study the structure of different galaxies. I am interested in how they were formed and how the mass affects them.

By looking at your artworks, I do sense a strong sense of movement and softness. A constant flow. What inspires your work? To this extent, what is your experience with forms and matter?

I love cyclical works where there is no end, where each cycle reveals new details. I like it when my work is compared to hypnosis. Currently, I am experimenting with some liquid forms and dispersion; I’ve spent a lot of time finding the perfect vectors for animations, and I spend a lot of time finding the perfect light for a particular subject or theme.


Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.


Objavu dijeli igor (@igor.m)

Which was the epiphany in your life – namely the exact moment when you decided to pursue an artistic career rather than anything else?

I always used to watch my grandfather drawing, I liked it, but I can’t draw by hand. However, in the digital world, I can do whatever I want to. And what’s helpful here is my 11 years of experience with 3D, i.e. from abstractions to architecture.

Why did you turn to crypto art and NFTs?

Before I had found my Digital studio and it was so inspiring by the projects we made. I created paintings with 3d abstractions and there were a lot of problems with the production process. People used to say that something peeled off or the frame did not fit perfectly with the print, and because of this, we had many problems. NTF for me turned out to be a world where people see my work pixel by pixel which is awesome. The only limitation I face is the file size.


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Objavu dijeli igor (@igor.m)

What are you trying to express through your works? Is there an overall message conveyed? And which is the audience you are aiming to?

I want to express gratitude to the people who discovered new galaxies for us with my new collection. I don’t aim at the audience, I simply do what I like.

Do you consider yourself as a contemporary artist or rather as a person with a deep understanding of today’s societal issues and psyche feeling the urge to represent reality? I sense a feeling of the metaphysical in your works. Can you kindly tell me a bit more about your ongoing vision? 

I view myself as an artist who can combine musical design, animation, and different shapes. I enjoy biology and physics, I like to examine the magnetization of water under a microscope. I am very passionate about animation vectors which are a very important factor in obtaining biological similarity.


Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.


Objavu dijeli igor (@igor.m)

How does the color selection happen when you create art? What does the predominance of black represent to you?

On a black background, all the highlights and my materials are better visible at the moment. I do plan to use a white background while also keeping the contrast.

How rooted are the places where you have lived in your oeuvre? What is your favorite artistic hub? 

Well, it’s hard to say, I lived in Moscow and Barcelona. It’s rather a collective experience from life. Thanks a lot for your questions! I like your public and your selection.


Igor is a 3D artist and a graphic designer living in Moscow, who is making digital arts for more than 11 years. Among his clients such companies as Audi, Lamborghini, Porsche, Raiffeisen, Pepsico, Paratype, and more.

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All images with courtesy of Igor Malyshev

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