Interview With Norimichi Hirakawa

Interview With Norimichi Hirakawa

Your mesmerising audiovisual installations are an intrinsic fusion of technology and art. How does your interest in generative art start?

When I was a student, I used to play VJ at some clubs in Tokyo. Not every week, but quite frequently. I had been making sources by After Effects or that kind of applications. I made a pretty lot. Then one day, I got aware of that all those motion graphics I made have the same features in motion, color,  timing or something I can feel. I felt those must be generated under the same rules. It is a long story after that, but this is the first time I get a sense of algorithm.

In between reality and fantasy, your abstract works opens infinite doors to the viewer’s imagination. Please describe us theoretically how do you formulate the programmed language? Are you always satisfied with the outcome?

I would say formulation of code is a self-feedback loop process. So, in principle, I’m not satisfied with outcomes always, but it’s always a kick for next. And the most difficult question is when I should stop the process. It’s difficult to explain how I code. You will find the same difficulty if you try to describe how you choose the next word while you are speaking or describe how you schedule a crazily busy day. You plan something but some parts change in realtime and you need to adjust it.

I assume those are the result of a quite multidimensional process of the human brain and the process can’t be described linearly by our natural language. Technically speaking, I basically code object-oriented languages such as C++ or Objective-C. So, one of the ways is to design a class firstly and make a number of instances of the class to let them interact with each other. The class is a bunch of some functions and structure. For example, an ant just looks like walking to a random direction, but It is really unpredictable when he gets millions of friends. Which means an ant is not walking just randomly. It’s something like that.

Interview With Norimichi Hirakawa
Interview With Norimichi Hirakawa

In one of the past interviews you stated that at the beginning you try not to think about the eventual visual of the artwork, instead, you focus on logic in your code. Do you identify yourself more as an engineer or as an artist?

The process of the creation of artwork can be divided into some phases. The first phase is thinking of what to do. It’s basically questioning. I think it is the most artistic part of my making process. The second is the actual production of the artwork. In a different word, implementation. I am a programmer or some kind of engineer in this phase. Of course, I get some feedback in this phase and make some changes in the artistic decision. But basically, I’m straight to solving problems. It’s so-called engineering. After the implementation, there’s another artistic phase, which is the phase of parameter setting. Which is more fundamental in the world, algorithm or parameter? It’s a big question of mine which I have ever encountered in the coding for my works. Which do you think this question is for engineer or artist?

Please give us your personal definition of “algorithm”.

It’s not going to be the definition, but sort of description and question. An algorithm is one of the flexible tools which can be used by both scientists and artists. A pen is also this kind of tool. Even though, there’s a big difference. A pen is artificial and the algorithm is not? It’s still questionable. One of the possible explanations is that nature is also following some algorithm may be written by God or someone else. The other is that nature is just existing, we are just able to approximate the behaviour of nature by algorithms which human-made.

What fascinates you most about this symbiotic process with a machine? Are there involved feelings?

No, I just let the machine do something and it never complains. Machines are cool, even cold. That’s my favorite point of them. They don’t consider what they are doing. They just care about the format and capacity of data. There’s no difference for them as long as it’s doable. ‘Angel’ or ‘Devil’ they both are 5 digits of the alphabet. That kind of mercilessness makes me feel good, I can’t tell why it reminds me how we are nothing. I think it is the key to create something beyond human imagination.

Nowadays technology became a medium and an instrument, which facilitates artists to explore new artificial horizons. What does an algorithm allow you to achieve and express that conventional art fails?

One of the recent paradigm shifts in art history is the time Marcel Duchamp criticised the paintings at that time as ‘retinal art’ and it was the beginning of the development of the ‘conceptual’ art. For me as an artist, a programmer, “retinal” and “conceptual” are not the opposition to each other. There are some beauties in the algorithm. Although they are not sensible from the eyes, we can perceive them by our intelligence conceptually. It’s something like simplicity or symmetry.

At the same time, the ‘beautiful’ code could generate something optically beautiful which is not related to its conceptual beautifulness. Simplicity or symmetry is some kind of universality described by mathematics. Which means it can be understood by any kind of intelligence such as AI, extraterrestrial intelligence or whatever. On the other hand, optical beautifulness is only perceivable for a human. I think some essence of human being is underlying between those two beautifulness.

Interview With Norimichi Hirakawa
Interview With Norimichi Hirakawa

Do you believe in a peaceful coexistence between man and machine in the future?

Who is ‘man’ particularly? Everything has duality. If someone is a piece, someone is not.

If you would associate your work with a natural phenomenon what it would be and why?

Do you think all of the natural phenomena can be described by one algorithm?

How do you stimulate your creativity?

Nothing particularly. I just eat what I want, drink what I want, do whatever I want.

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Interview With Norimichi Hirakawa
Interview With Norimichi Hirakawa

Send a codified message to your future self.


Artist: Norimichi Hirakawa

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