MayZe, a singer, actress, and multifaceted artist, hails from a small city in Northern Israel, where her unconventional life unfolds within the confines of a massive ‘redhead’ Ford van. This unique setting is the backdrop for her creative endeavours, influencing her distinctive approach to music. We bring you two songs that perfectly picture her eclectic creativity and nice voice.
“Stay” is a rawly emotional song where she and a guitar are enough to transmit a mix of hope, uncertainty, and emotional intensity. She is eager for commitment and a lasting connection, willing to build a life together with a loved one.
I SolaTeD ReMiX (2023)
This remix of “I Solated” develops a moving EDM sound to drive a deep emotional yearning for companionship and understanding. There’s vulnerability and a willingness to be open, coupled with a sense of pride and the search for a fulfilling connection.