Matias Alonso Revelli of Argentina photographs and beautifully renders swooning scenes of the essence of the fluidity found in nature.
Taking to the vast spaces of our earthly place, Revelli exemplifies a true appreciation for such a great abyss. Capturing and illustrating such grandness can be quite a challenge- being able to exude the same feeling one is met with at the mercy of these naturally occurring experiences. However, Revelli asserts his revere and skill by fine-tuning his technique, adopting point-of-views that are not often seen in these kinds of photos. His digital renderings are delicacies: the glints of light reflected across contrasting bodies of water, planetary glows, motion designed at such convincing views, the sight wouldn’t even raise a single question as Revelli expertly designs the most compelling mirages.
The visual perspective Revelli presents to viewers is one of immersion. His photos tend to be focused in, split between the two forces of water and sky. They beckon the viewer to specify their lens, taking heed to the small ripples seen in the water and how they mirror beads, streams of lava light. The imagery calls attention to the way the sky shifts into a subtle fade that playfully contrasts with the hues of the water and even the clouds. The coloring is exuberant and driven with artistic purpose, there is ample thought going into each of these delightful visuals. Revelli uses his work to show love for the moon, the sun, and all that resides underneath it. Flowers, light poles, building facades, trees, and billboards all have a place within Revelli’s creative mind when it comes to photographing the world. It is evident how much of a master’s in photography and editing Revelli is, funneling the residue of a dream onto the scenes he frames from the surroundings.