Living Food Experience: When Food Merges With Fiction

The experiment of living food by Minsu Kim a designer of interaction proposes a completely new way to sense our food using synthetic biology to create interactive empathetic elements into the food. Haute cuisine and molecular gastronomy were combined to create a set of future dining experiences where food behaves like a living creature that can entertain us. Food that is consumed alive like a fictional character? It can become reality with the right amount of research that Minsu Kim has put into his project investigating synthetic biotech applications into organic forms and how that can be shaped into food forms of high aesthetic.

Living Food Experience
Living Food Experience

His research starts from how protocells form living properties into organisms and how we could build a definition of this ingestible life form perceptible by the human sense of taste. His research came out for example that the prior sensory organs that react to chemical components are the tongue and the roof mouth.

A recombination of the synthetic elements that cause the food to behave and a research on how we perceive food and how we could potentially enhance aesthetic qualities to evolve our definition of food experience. Challenging and fascinating this project sheds light to how science can create new senses for the human!

Living Food Experience
Living Food Experience

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