Louis Vuitton X Exhibition Celebrates 160 Years Of Artistic Collaboration

LouisVuittonX VisualAtelier8 Exhibition 20

As long as the sun is out in LA, you will find tourists and locals strolling the avenues of the fetching city of Beverly Hills.

Seamlessly embedded yet easily turning heads among the polished fronts is a resplendent pop up for renowned fashion entity Louis Vuitton. The grand facade features sunset toned windows against white walls, a pleasantly pink second-story patio intriguing passersby. The Louis Vuitton X Exhibition celebrates the French brand’s 160-year history of creative versatility and groundbreaking collaborations. The first floor inundates visitors in variously themed rooms to showcase articles of clothing worn by celebrities on the red carpet, extraordinarily designed scarves and watches, and even a boxer’s punching bag. Photo opportunities are boundless as the rooms are fashionably ornamented from the floor and from wall to wall.

The Louis Vuitton eloquent essence courses throughout the entirety of the exhibition, especially as you walk up the picturesque staircase to the pop-up shop that resides on the second floor, illuminated by filtered sunlight through a beautiful dome ceiling. Many products are on view and available for purchase including furniture and stationery. Conclude your visit on the outdoor enclave and take in the view of the bustling Rodeo Drive. The Louis Vuitton X Exhibition in Los Angeles is well worth a visit to appreciate the range and fluidity of this high fashion brand.

Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition

Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition
Louis Vuitton X Exhibition

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