Marc Tudisco Digitally Visualizes Bizarre And Playful Concepts

Marc Tudisco Digitally Visualizes Bizarre And Playful Concepts

Marc Tudisco, a 3D Artist and Art Director hailing from Germany, digitizes all things bizarre and eccentric with audacious visuals that is sure to peak curiosity among viewers. Ever wanted to see dancing bodies emerge from sushi rolls? How about tongues and lips waving about to flaunt their coat of fur? Chromatic cyborgs and screaming toes are also things you never knew you needed to see that can be found in Tudisco’s body of work.

The high definition photos are sharp with profound particulars and the concepts are veraciously out of this world. Part of his aesthetic includes playing with popular brands like Nike, Louis Vuitton, Takashi Murakami, Coco Chanel, Sprite, and Supreme. He stages these iconic brands within his frame of reference and his own unique style. The result is an urbane and absolutely nuanced look to the brands that work to draw people in further.

Versatility is a powerful asset of Tudisco as he digitally visualizes concepts that can be from quite playful to quite captivating. The range of his aesthetic is totally never-ending which is very exciting as he continues to fabricate new ideas into being. Marc Tudisco is an established 3D artist who seeks to push boundaries of typical art styles to make a name for himself.


All images with courtesy of Marc Tudisco

Instagram // Behance

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