Martin Sallieres Explores New Techniques Of Manufacturing Footwear

Martin Sallieres Explores New Techniques

Martin Sallieres is an young designer, originally from France. Studying abroad has influenced his vision about engineering and technical features of a product. He believes that through design can be obtained many answers to our everyday needs. Observing a design from different perspectives could lead to a thrilling result. With his project ‘Shoelab’ Martin is exploring the manufacturing of footwear. Taking inspiration from weaving techniques of spiders he developing a 3d weaving technique, creating shoes from one material. By changing the properties of this material the designer is able to manage to play with its adaptability. Each step involved the process influenced the final look of the finished item. “This shoe is approached as a concept shoe, comparable to a concept car, intending to make one wonder, and fascinate.”, says the designer.

Martin Sallieres Explores New Techniques
Martin Sallieres Explores New Techniques
Martin Sallieres Explores New Techniques
Martin Sallieres Explores New Techniques

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