Nagami Design Dedicates Its Work To The Global Pandemic Solution

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Nagami is a design brand that explores the future of product design in a new technological era. Founded in Ávila (Spain), in 2016 by Manuel Jimenez García, Miki Jimenez García, and Ignacio Viguera Ochoa, the company brings 3D printing and robotic manufacturing to large-scale products, with a wide range of customization possibilities. Research and innovation are at the core of Nagami’s projects, which are developed in collaboration with internationally renowned architects, designers, and artists such as Zaha Hadid Architects, Ross Lovegrove, Daniel Widrig, and Davide Quayola, as well as with emerging talents, who can embrace new technologies to materialize groundbreaking products.

Nagami Design Dedicates Its Work To The Global Pandemic Solution
Nagami Design Dedicates Its Work To The Global Pandemic Solution

The brand crafts every detail, from the early conception of a product to the software that brings it to life, exploring new ways of creating furniture and environments that push the limits of imagination to unknown territories. The pandemic has hit Spain particularly hard. To the date, it is the fourth most infected country with more than 40,000 confirmed cases and 2,800 deaths. Hospitals across the country have surpassed maximum capacity, and their need for more medical staff has lead to hiring medical students and retired doctors to help combat the extremely contagious virus. However, increasing staff numbers is not enough.

Nagami Design Dedicates Its Work To The Global Pandemic Solution
Nagami Design Dedicates Its Work To The Global Pandemic Solution

The entire country has run out of protective equipment to guarantee staff safety. Supplies are simply not reaching staff fast enough. To accelerate the supply of equipment, makers from over the world have organized platforms to distribute manufacturing, using 3D printers and other digital manufacturing tools as a global network where on-demand production could occur locally. Everyone with a 3D printer can help their closest hospital or clinic manufacturing the needed equipment without any long-range shipping.

Nagami Design Dedicates Its Work To The Global Pandemic Solution
Nagami Design Dedicates Its Work To The Global Pandemic Solution


All images with courtesy of Nagami Design

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