“Odd” by Hiroshi Takagishi a unique exploration of nature through media art

Hiroshi Takagishi unveils “Odd” a captivating media art project

“Odd” by Hiroshi Takagishi is a captivating media art project created for display at Museum 1 in Korea. The work is inspired by the intriguing contradictions found in bizarre plant forms, revealing the hidden regularities and beauty within what might appear to be chaotic elements in nature.

Takagishi’s artistic vision draws from these natural forms, focusing on the unique curves and protrusions that suggest an inherent potential for movement. By imagining the moment when these seemingly static plants come to life, the artist recreates this idea through the medium of digital art, allowing the audience to experience the energy and vitality of the natural world in an entirely new way.

"Odd" by Hiroshi Takagishi a unique exploration of nature through media art

The artist’s approach involves a blend of creativity and technology, envisioning moments of fluidity within the stationary forms of plants. This exploration of plant motion brings out the dynamic forces of nature, which are often hidden in their stillness.

The artist describes the process as an attempt to animate these regular shapes by capturing the organic flow within them. Takagishi’s choice to use media art as the method of representation provides viewers with an immersive experience of nature’s beauty, enhancing their connection to the natural environment through digital creativity.

"Odd" by Hiroshi Takagishi a unique exploration of nature through media art

One of the primary creative challenges Takagishi faced in developing “Odd” was finding and creating the fluid movement hidden within the otherwise structured shapes of the plants. The project required a deep understanding of how to animate these forms in a way that captured their inherent vitality.

The technical aspect of this challenge involved the selection of specific real-life plants and the decision to model them without the use of scanning technology, making them easier to animate and simulate. This process was achieved procedurally using the software Houdini, a tool known for its ability to generate complex simulations and animations.

"Odd" by Hiroshi Takagishi a unique exploration of nature through media art
All images courtesy of Hiroshi Takagishi, shared with permission


Director/Designer: Hiroshi Takagishi
Designer: Kyoya Nagaiwa
Music: Ayatake Ezaki

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