The filmmaker Erik Wernquist embarks on a journey to explore the intriguing concept of artificial gravity in the vast expanse of space. The film is set aboard the “SSPO Esperanta” a planetary orbiter designed to provide a unique experience by rotating at the remarkable rate of one revolution per minute (1 RPM). With a sprawling radius of 450 meters, this spinning motion generates artificial gravity, simulating an effect of approximately 0.5 g along its main deck.
The “Esperanta” is conceived as a space habitat that emulates the ambiance of a luxurious hotel or a cruise ship, allowing passengers to relish breathtaking views of celestial bodies within our solar system. However, this innovative design does not merely focus on the stunning vistas but also delves into the interplay of natural light and shadows within the interior as it gracefully revolves.
A distinguishing feature of this spacecraft is the deliberate absence of artificial lighting, with only emergency lights sparingly employed to avert complete darkness. This unique choice leaves the interior bathed in the gentle radiance of natural sunlight, evoking a sense of solitude that becomes central to the narrative. It encourages the audience to ponder the experiences of an individual onboard, isolated in the infinite expanse of space.
Erik Wernquist, while acknowledging the artistic and aesthetic merits of the design, also recognizes the practical limitations of such a structure for human passengers. Beyond the obvious security concerns posed by expansive windows, there are more profound issues to contend with. The continuous rotation of the spacecraft and the ever-shifting interplay of light and shadows from the sun can lead to disorienting and potentially nauseating experiences for most humans, even during short visits.
To address these challenges, the filmmaker suggests potential solutions such as increasing the radius of the structure to slow down the spin rate. Alternatively, eliminating windows altogether could offer a more comfortable experience. However, the artistic vision of the film relies heavily on the chosen dimensions and the inclusion of expansive windows to capture the curvature of the interior and provide visually engaging scenes.
Erik Wernquist looks forward to the possibility of advanced transparent materials in the future, which could enable space travelers to enjoy the benefits of artificial gravity and picturesque views of our solar system. “ONE REVOLUTION PER MINUTE” serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between art, science, and the dreams of space exploration, inviting viewers to contemplate the challenges and possibilities that lie ahead in the realm of space travel.