Roma Erohnovich known as “Whomakesit” is a designer oriented to the creation of visual culture within an artificial reality based on the experience of system he himself feels to be a part of.
Roma believes that design has no strict rules, no criteria, there are no standard units, no objective opinions and, most importantly, no standards. His latest project “Prostorcrew chaos identity” speaks about the balance between chaos and system in business and life. Prostorcrew is a player in Moscow’s event market. Their clients include Porsche, BMW, Mini, Red Bull, Rado, Philips, and Hyundai.
In an identity system, they manifest a comprehensive approach to business, life, and art: chaos as a system and the system as chaos. “We do not oppose them: one is the consequence of others. Prostocrew is business and art, work and action-packed movement, budget tables and watching the sunsets on the site. This way, we have created a series of layouts that may seem unstructured from the outside, but that is, in fact, based on principles of modular design and strict grid.”