Regular Rabbit An Exploration of Disinformation

Regular Rabbit Short Animated Film

“Regular Rabbit” is a short animated film directed by Eoin Duffy, produced in collaboration with Screen Ireland and RTE. The film features Rory McCann, best known for his role as The Hound in “Game of Thrones.” In “Regular Rabbit,” the reputation of a seemingly ordinary rabbit becomes the target of an unstoppable wave of disinformation.

After an extensive whirlwind tour, Regular Rabbit was showcased at over 60 international film festivals, including Newport Beach, Annecy, and Pictoplasma. Notably, the film was selected by Whoopi Goldberg for the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival, attended by industry giants Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro. Additionally, Regular Rabbit received top honors at the Portland and Oxford International Film Festivals and garnered nominations at the Fastnet, Worldfest, and Flicker’s International Film Festivals.

Regular Rabbit An Exploration of Disinformation
Regular Rabbit An Exploration of Disinformation

The narrative follows an unsuspecting rabbit who is falsely accused of murder and subsequently ostracized by his community. As he descends into isolation, tormented by the lies that destroyed his life, he reaches a breaking point and ultimately becomes the very monster he was accused of being. It delves into the impact of disinformation, purposefully separating visuals from the narrative.

The film depicts a rabbit surviving a forest fire without providing any supporting evidence for the story it tells. Through this, it challenges the audience to question their willingness to believe even the most absurd misinformation, such as the notion of a mass-murdering rabbit.

Regular Rabbit An Exploration of Disinformation
Regular Rabbit An Exploration of Disinformation

All Images & Video Courtesy of Regular Rabbit Shared with Permission


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