Sergey Shvets Crafts Extraterrestrial Visuals

Sergey Shvets, a 3D generalist and motion designer from Ukraine, devises concept art that seems to originate from an extragalactic nebula far from what we know. The world he fabricates is one that is illuminated by twilight and neon glow, insinuating a cyberpunk aura. Scenes surfacing from computer generated imagery exhibit abstruse figures interacting with some environs that inspires alien life. Native creatures are born into a technological context, dinosaurs are dominated by machinery and humanlike beings are encapsulated in hi-tech caskets.

Shvets taps into a futuristic, industrial style of design. Viewers can soak in the flora he digitally constructs to fruition. Beautiful, illustrious scenes of grassy hills and shimmering bodies of water are certainly sights to behold. Shvets has quite the imagination to conjure up some of the mythical creatures seen in his Instagram feed like veined trolls and winged raptors. Most of his work teleports the audience into a cosmological frame of reference with images of figures in space suits.

Shvets also plays with shapes and patterns, creating motion clips of geometrical art that is elaborate yet satisfying to watch. His work has been seen in a music for the band XLX, a black and white creative experience. Shvets specializes in TV production, video design, 3D illustration, art direction, and CGI design.

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