Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir, also known as Shoplifter, is an Icelandic artist who weaves incredible visuals with a most interesting medium, hair.
The trestles she wields are both synthetic and natural, creating a very textured scape for her visions to manifest. The wisps are worked into great installations such as wall murals and sculptures, truly stunning feats to behold. Shoplifter astounds many with the ways in which she conceptualizes such an interesting medium as hair. Her philosophy is that the strand of hair represents an ultimate extension of the human body, one that can live in creativity at the whim of the individual from which the hair sprouts from. It is a total whirlwind to take in the intricacies of Shoplifter’s work, the hair she utilizes bursts in colors that scream life.
She explores many themes of individuality and things related to beauty such as fashion. Her work stands out to connect with the viewers, a demonstration that is universal. Shoplifter does such an exemplary job in exploring all the ways in which the thread of hair can be flexed, bent, tamed, and unleashed. It speaks to something deep within all of us, to see all this hair assembled in a way that can be moving. Shoplifter’s work has gained much acclaim and fame, she has quite the roster of projects and exhibitions that showcase just how magical her imaginative realm of hair can be. Anyone can see just how dedicated Shoplifter is to her art and how she continues to wow many fellow hair-bearers around the world.