Smeccea Takes Viewers Into A 3-D Realm Of Fantasy And Self Meditation

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Smeccea plays on a variety of themes in her work and has created a world of fantasy with her 3-D digital art.

Something that Smeccea focuses on is a theme of self-meditation and reflection within her work, which can be seen in the different scenes that she creates. Each scene is not like the one before, and has a powerful sense of fantasy with the beautiful glow she adds to each of the pieces. Smeccea takes us into her images and brings us onto an extraterrestrial land. While it feels as though many of her pieces take us to a place that is not of this world, the places she imagines are places of serenity – such as fields of flowers with a bed in the middle to rest your head. Her spaces are light in coloring and seem to be floating amongst the clouds. With Smeccea’s 3-D illustrations, any viewer feels like they could take a break from reality and step into the world that she has imagined.

Smeccea Takes Viewers Into A 3-D Realm Of Fantasy And Self Meditation

One of Smeccea’s biggest inspirations is women, as she continuously creates images of powerful feminine images throughout her body of work. She focuses on different places of the female body, sometimes making them appear to be warriors or feminine like creatures that could only exist within the places that she has created, and are perhaps inspired by the women she sees around her. Many of the bodies of water she creates have a reflection in them, playing more on her theme of self-reflection. Smeccea’s work brings you into a world of fantasy, while still touching on themes of self and beauty in a 3-D world. 

Smeccea Takes Viewers Into A 3-D Realm Of Fantasy And Self Meditation
Smeccea Takes Viewers Into A 3-D Realm Of Fantasy And Self Meditation
Smeccea Takes Viewers Into A 3-D Realm Of Fantasy And Self Meditation



Images with courtesy of Smeccea

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