Spencer MAR Guilburt Defines The Art Form Of Daily Visual Escapism

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If California is the backdrop, Spencer Mar Guilburt’s art is on the scene.

Aesthetically and visually pleasant, Spencer MAR Guilburt likes to define his art as a form of daily visual escapism. Only three words, yet meaningful enough to unlock the essence embedded. His canvases and his murals are colorful and bright and look at nature and his surrounding environs as a source of inspiration. More in detail, he is keen to explore how biodiversity coexists in peaceful assemblies creating outstanding foliage, namely diversity. By doing so, he explores what the human being is slowly trying to adapt to in today’s society. As leaves and trees live together peacefully, so should humans do, respecting each other’s beauty as well as differences. Many are the natural elements included in MAR’s art. Water that is to say the ocean is a healing and restorative place for MAR as well as a place for fun. “The ocean will always be close to my heart” he asserts, nevertheless, most of his artworks are inclusive of Fire Flowers, his core element and established recurrent motif.

Spencer MAR Guilburt Defines The Art Form Of Daily Visual Escapism

However, through personal experience with wildfires in California, the artist has taken a stand with fire, “It intrigues and frightens me, so I am painting the flames to see where it leads me.” Enigmatic and frightening, the fire is deceivingly amusing to MAR. Guilburt’s oeuvre is also a lot about paying homage. He gratefully takes inspiration from the feminine and the divine mother earth, whilst stating that “All life on earth comes from a woman. As an artist, painting and “creating” things I want to pay homage to the woman, as she is the master creator.” The colors of his canvas and murals are almost exaggerated but many refer to Los Angeles and California – his hood – whilst the forms bring up a whimsical recollection of the city or the country. Together forms and colors seem to make you feel at home in a dream. And again, he states “I am fascinated with color and its science. The form is more about personal taste but, color, you can be more certain about.” Guilburt’s art configures as colorful synaesthesia, where every color provokes a vibration on the viewer.

Spencer MAR Guilburt Defines The Art Form Of Daily Visual Escapism
Spencer MAR Guilburt Defines The Art Form Of Daily Visual Escapism
Spencer MAR Guilburt Defines The Art Form Of Daily Visual Escapism



Images with courtesy of Spencer MAR Guilburt


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