Synthesis: A Conceptual 3D Project By Janis Sne

Synthesis: A Conceptual 3D Project By Janis Sne

The 3D renderings of Janis Sne are photorealistic concepts of futuristic garments. In his new Synthesis project, the experimental Mars inspired nylon outfits blend astonishing visuals gained through aerial satellite scans, and prints these spell bounding Martian topographies with reflective ink and laser cut graphics, onto the surfaces of his futuristic outwear.

Synthesis: A Conceptual 3D Project By Janis Sne

These garments glow under different lighting conditions and hold unique properties that push them into the realm of art beyond utility. Snes’ approach is unique, he has sought to merge the technological virtues of video game design with Hollywood CGI processes and blend these with fashion conceptualizations, this meaning that all of his conceptions waste no materials before their production because his renders are so multi-layered and real that physical prototypes are not required.

Synthesis: A Conceptual 3D Project By Janis Sne

The amount of foresight and innovation put into what this apparel can do is a nod to Sne’s latent brilliance. This Synthesis project sets out to become a new standard in both concept production and apparel design.

Synthesis: A Conceptual 3D Project By Janis Sne


All images: Janis Sne

For more information, visit the Janis Sne website

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