Taras Yoom’s Dif Lamp: Illuminating the Intersection of Art and Human Physiology

Taras Yoom's Dif Lamp: Illuminating the Intersection of Art and Human Physiology

The creation of the Dif Lamp, the innovative mind of Bangkok-based designer Taras Yoom, originally known as Taras Zheltyshev, found inspiration in an unlikely place—his background in the medical field. This unique floor lamp features purple tubes that draw parallels to the intricate vascular system, while its light pink orbs evoke imagery of blood cells and their vital journey through our bodies. Yoom’s career trajectory was shaped by his early experiences, working part-time in both a laboratory and an architectural firm.

Over time, his projects evolved to blur the boundaries between the visible reality and the hidden processes within organisms, propelling him into the captivating realm of human physiology and the Yoomoota art universe. Within the imaginative universe of Yoomoota, the Dif Luminaire takes on a profound role. Yoom describes it as “made from terrestrial cells sent to our planet by the hero Thymus in order to protect it from infectious agents (Viroids and Bagds).”

These light pink cells, resembling blood cells, are stored within Thymus’s backpack in various forms, both living and non-living, which possess a striking appearance that wards off potential threats. On Orginion, a planet within the Yoomoota universe representing the human body, similar luminaires serve as protective charms. They activate when infections threaten the cities during dark nights, providing not only physical protection but also acting as a vital guide and support system.

Taras Yoom's Dif Lamp: Illuminating the Intersection of Art and Human Physiology
Taras Yoom's Dif Lamp: Illuminating the Intersection of Art and Human Physiology

The Dif Lamp provides physical protection to the inhabitants during the night and moreover, serves as [a] significant guide and support. That is the light, which illuminates the darkness and allows us to defend against irrational fears, which all of us encounter.” In essence, the Dif Lamp symbolizes the light of knowledge that guides us through the darkness of the unknown and empowers us to confront our fears.

The expansive Yoomoota universe is a reflection of our inner worlds—a parallel universe complete with its own planets and inhabitants, serving as a projection of our bodies and minds. Every element that exists on a global scale in reality finds representation within this imaginative realm. This narrative unfolds through a diverse array of artistic mediums, including sculptures, collectible design, paintings, mixed media pieces, storybooks, and NFTs, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in a fantastical journey that bridges the realms of science, art, and human experience.

Taras Yoom's Dif Lamp: Illuminating the Intersection of Art and Human Physiology
Taras Yoom's Dif Lamp: Illuminating the Intersection of Art and Human Physiology

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