Textures and lighting define Craves majestic 3d portraits

Textures and lighting define Craves majestic 3d portraits

Please introduce yourself.

I’m Craves and I’m a visual artist from Greece. I live in Athens and work on CG images.

How did you get into art and what motivates you to create?

I was a music producer and was working with some of my favourite labels and music artists but a health problem occurred. My hearing got damaged and caused a bad case of tinnitus and hyperacusis. I needed to stop working on music immediately. I was already experimenting with 3D design and really loved it so I deep dived into it and started creating these artworks. I always loved fashion photography and especially beauty shots and tried to do something similar in a way.

Textures and lighting define Craves majestic 3d portraits

What memory do you recall most vividly from childhood about your creative talent?

That would definitely be me and my mother drawing or cooking together and having so much fun. I was really into painting but then got mad in love with music and put all my focus on it. I also made miniature train dioramas when I was a teenager, it was so cool.

How would you best describe your style and who/what are some of your major influences?

I believe human body form, skin textures and lighting is a big part of my work. I love doing close ups and also most of the time have a story or meaning behind the artwork. Sometimes I start working on a piece simply inspired by a word and maybe try to visually interpret it in some way. I also find inspiration in great artists’ work. Probably Renaissance paintings or surrealists like Remedios Varo, which is one of my favourites amongst too many others to name.

Textures and lighting define Craves majestic 3d portraits

What is part of the creative process that you would rather avoid, and part that you can’t get enough of?

There are parts in 3D design that are admittedly a bit boring but all very important to have the result one’s aiming for. One of my favourite parts of the process is thinking about what to do next. The rush I get by just trying to explore images in my mind and brainstorm a new idea is just priceless. A thing I would love to do more is motion and maybe combine it with music I’m writing.

How does commercial pressure and the business of art effect, shape, or guide your creative decisions?

You need to balance the commercial part of your art and always prioritise mental health and doing exactly the thing you have in mind instead of falling for trends. I do not think about how well a piece will perform in social media when I’m working on it. Social media is a great way for people to discover your work but can also be toxic so you need to be careful with it. From my experience, the right people will come to you if your work is honest and authentic regardless of the views and likes.

Textures and lighting define Craves majestic 3d portraits

Your favorite book, song, film.

I’m not much of a reader unlike my wife. I always loved Sylvia Plath’s work and it means a lot to me. I also enjoy reading Ted Chiang. Some of my favorite songs would be Mutter by Rammstein and maybe Hotel California by the Eagles and probably Ballos by Dionysis Savvopoulos. A couple of favourite films I really enjoy watching over and over is The Witch by Robert Eggers (it has a weird moody vibe I like to incorporate in my artworks as well) and certainly The Arrival by Denis Villeneuve. I also recommend On the Silver Globe. It’s an old Polish film, really inspiring, with very beautiful images.

Send a message to your future self.

Working is cool but spend more time with your loved ones and exercise more.

Textures and lighting define Craves majestic 3d portraits
Textures and lighting define Craves majestic 3d portraits

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