Yuanhao Tang is elevating illustration through conceptual depth and fresh perspective

Yuanhao Tang a creative illustrator bringing stories to life through bold line work and color

Yuanhao Tang is a talented illustrator who caters to both young adult and adult audiences with his distinctive approach to illustration. His work is marked by bold line work and flat colors, which give his pieces a unique vibrancy and clarity. Drawing inspiration from the vivid personalities and intriguing experiences around him, Tang infuses his illustrations with conceptual depth and a fresh perspective. Although he occasionally plays with reality in his designs, his main goal as an artist is clear: to bring joy and inspire the imaginations of his audience. Tang views this as a genuine responsibility, one that he approaches with dedication and passion.

Narrative illustration holds a special place in Yuanhao Tang’s creative process. This passion was cultivated during his childhood through meaningful moments spent with his grandparents. This love for storytelling can be seen in much of his work, with the exception of pieces crafted for editorial purposes. Each project he undertakes begins with a brainstorming session that inevitably leads to the creation of a miniature background story. These stories, whether mental or physically written down, act as the blueprint for the visual direction of his pieces. Early on, these ideas manifest as vague snapshots or images in his mind, forming the foundation for his thumbnail sketches and composition.

Influenced by the classic elegance found in old fiction novels and picture books, Tang often gravitates toward black and white illustrations, incorporating detailed hatching lines. His linear style is shaped by the works of legendary artists such as Moebius and Paul Gustave Doré, who have greatly impacted his artistic development. Once the composition and various elements of the illustration are finalized, Tang shifts his focus to refining the line work. He dedicates significant time and effort to perfecting the delicate details of each line, while always maintaining a keen awareness of deadlines and project timelines.

When it comes to color, Yuanhao Tang sees this stage as an opportunity for experimentation. Colors are carefully chosen to establish the mood and emphasize the intricate details of his artwork. However, given his strong foundation in line work, he is not overly reliant on color to convey the impact of his illustrations. Working predominantly in digital formats, Tang enjoys the creative freedom that digital tools offer, allowing him to explore various color schemes and solutions for each project with ease and flexibility. His approach to both line work and color demonstrates his commitment to delivering high-quality illustrations that resonate with his audience on a deep, emotional level.

All images courtesy of Yuanhao Tang, shared with permission

Yuanhao Tang: https://halfhandhenry.com

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