404.zero Generating Visual Art From Sound

404.zero is a progressive art cooperation comprised of two artists born in Saint Petersburg, Kristina Karpysheva and Sasha Letcius. The pair generate works that intermingle in both audio and visual realms. The results are acutely methodical and speculative in all respects. 404.zero’s aesthetic imparts feelings of tasteful abstraction, textures that seem to only be felt in reveries or disembodied memories of a faint future. Karpysheva and Letcius join their personal artistic strengths to create various instalments that corroborate their advanced skills in the media and audiovisual field. Their works demonstrate an extraordinarily synergistic relationship between audio and visual, the two dextrously tailored to each other in order to manifest a cosmic experience.

404.zero Generating Visual Art From Sound
404.zero Generating Visual Art From Sound

Viewers can find themselves inundated in 404.zero’s domain of modular synths and intricacy of visual milieu. This kind of art is no simple feat, requiring expertise in mathematics, code, and sound. Moreover, 404.zero depict important philosophical and thought-provoking concepts in their body of work. The pair of artists are undoubtedly knowledgeable and accomplished, breaking new ground by generating art without any footage or textures, only sounds from synthesizers. 404.zero has shared their creative ingenuity in several projects set up in Moscow and Los Angeles. The artistic prospects of 404.zero are indeed infinite and thrilling to fathom.

404.zero Generating Visual Art From Sound
404.zero Generating Visual Art From Sound

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