European still lifes have never looked so cool, especially when the adept, digital-world-shaper Catelloo injects his faceless humanoids into their beloved contexts. Catelloo Gragnaniello of Naples Italy has a specialty, texturized alien textiles, full sized plaster mannequins with laser smooth chopped faces, and a knack for color complementarity that isn’t easily repeated.
Demonstrating a grasp of art history, Catelloo invades the mundane by adding his models into recognizable high-art scenarios to renew their traditional perspectives, which provide a reordered locus for fresh conversation. Catelloo has mastered light and shadow as well as surfaces, using painterly techniques such as tenebrism to place emphasis on glossy models surrounded by spaces filled with dark radiation-like haze, he knows how to built tension and keep attention with a nonchalant sort of mastery.
Catelloo occasionally aligns his models at angular perspectives to parade his awareness of special arrangement. Overall, Catelloos’ technique could be classified as Neo-purism due to how he makes simple components important and justifies their necessity. His purity of shapes and forms with their understated but vibrant colors allow his Malvichian characters to show themselves off in his mysterious and wild third dimension