Memory Lane Is Using AI To Combat Elder Loneliness And Record Their Life Stories

Artificial intelligence is given a compassionate side in the valuable new project called Memory Lane. The company Stockholm Exergi, of Sweden, has noticed the value and needs of elderly citizens, and has provided them with a meaningful platform where they can share their life stories, as an AI communicator spends time with them through asking useful questions. This technology has been in development for two years, and is a patent-pending reverse engineered voice assistant that propels deep useful conversation in a way that inspires lonesome people to share their autobiographies with others.

These valuable stories are then categorized and made available for the world to hear or read, so that others can learn about individual life experiences and gain a heightened importance of our most treasured citizens. This technology could be defined as being a digital friend who is always present, but also as a brand of communication therapy for those who need companionship.


For more information, visit the Stockholm Exergi website

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