Finding the Next Low Carbon Concrete Solution: GCCA Innovandi Open Challenge 2023

The Innovandi Open Challenge is a global program that brings together technology start-ups and the world’s leading cement and concrete companies to help accelerate the next wave of innovation to achieve our net zero mission.
The GCCA and its members understand the key role that innovation will play in unlocking a net zero future for concrete, the world’s most widely used material after water.
GCCA members – industry leaders operating in nearly every country in the world – extend their reach beyond their own R&D borders to enrich their innovation ecosystems to help achieve the vital mission of carbon neutrality. Our Open Challenge aims to accelerate technologies that will help us secure a net zero future.
Selected start-ups will have unique access to:
Factories, laboratories and research facilities
The expertise and infrastructure of 40 members around the world to promote innovation
Support to move from ideas to prototype, pilot tests, proof of concepts, business cases
The access they need to grow
Throughout the duration of the programme, the GCCA and its industry members will support start-ups with designated key experts to help them progress the industrialization of their technology, develop new technologies and/or define new business cases. . with one or more industry members.
GCCA members and their members will provide project management internally (or in partnership with other business partners) with each selected start-up and offer resources, support and training to co-develop the business.
Being selected to participate in the GCCA Innovandi Open Challenge program will provide selected start-ups with high visibility in the cement and concrete sector, as well as equipment manufacturers, broader value chain players, investors and stakeholders. broader stakeholders.
If you want to be part of the cement and concrete industry’s journey to net zero and receive support from the world’s largest producers, apply for the Innovandi Open Challenge 2023.

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