Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light

The Black Sky Residence, designed by Reza Mohtashami, is a house located on a private property in Upstate New York. The design concept revolves around a glass house that seamlessly integrates with its natural surroundings. The architecture prioritizes the incorporation of abundant natural light through the implementation of three large skylights in the roof.

The main materials chosen for the construction are concrete and glass, creating a contemporary aesthetic. Tall and wide windows are strategically positioned to offer captivating views of the surrounding landscape while allowing ample natural sunlight to flood the living spaces. The design of the entrance area, living-dining area, and guest area specifically emphasizes the infusion of light into these areas.

The project is currently in progress, with Reyhaneh Daneshmandi providing visualizations to aid in the design process. Reza Mohtashami, the principal architect, is dedicated to creating a home that embraces nature and provides a harmonious living experience for the client, Mr. James. The completion year and any additional collaborators involved in the project have not been specified at this stage

Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light
Black Sky Residence: Embracing Nature Through Glass and Light

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