Layer Designs Smart Seating For Airbus That Adapts To Passenger Comfort

Layer Designs Smart Seating For Airbus That Adapts To Passenger Comfort

Smart textiles, intuitive controls and an ergonomic composition, Move is a prototype aviation seat created for Airbus by industrial designer Benjamin Hubert’s Layer design agency. Unlike most aircraft’s internal architectural upgrades, Move is positioned specifically with Economy flyers in mind. Opposed to the cramped, outdated, plastic accented, upholstery foam filled aviation seats lining economy cabins everywhere, Hubert has supplied his design ethos to economy travel to give everyone access to the structurally ground-breaking comforts of his Move body molding aviation seats.

Layer Designs Smart Seating For Airbus That Adapts To Passenger Comfort

With aluminum and carbon fiber frames, these seats are fitted with digitally-knitted, pressure- sensitive polyester and wool blended conductive covers, which are user controlled through a custom built smartphone app. Through this app, also called Move, users can reconfigure the seats topology so that it adapts to their maximal comforts.

Layer Designs Smart Seating For Airbus That Adapts To Passenger Comfort

These seats also take a holistic view at minimizing the obstacles of comfort while flying. Being equipped with heating, laptop storage and an inflight entertainment console, these seats consider the limitations of conventional options providing remedies for their shortcomings. Taking a macroscopic view of on board experiences, Hubert has even materially considered the seats weights to improve fuel efficiency for flights.

Layer Designs Smart Seating For Airbus That Adapts To Passenger Comfort

As for motivation, Hubert is moved by the responsibility of utilising superb design to increase user wellbeing. Huberts’ concentrations are more about providing praiseworthy experiences opposed to just lifeless products. His holistic approach leads him in directions that scrutinise not only visual appeal, but his fabrics tactile pleasantness’s, his products functional performances, their capacities to enhance environments, and most importantly, how seamlessly they interact with daily life in ways that better it.

Layer Designs Smart Seating For Airbus That Adapts To Passenger Comfort


For more information, visit the Layer website

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